Neighbor to Neighbor
On the 4th Tuesday of every month, members of St Cross work together to provide a hot meal to neighbors in need. We have partnered with St. Paul’s United Methodist Church in Redondo Beach. St. Paul’s provides a meal every week and also operates a food pantry. The Fourth Tuesday of each month is our turn. We meet in the kitchen from 1:30-4 pm and we prepare and cook a hot meal for take out. Since we're cooking and packaging for take outs only and not serving indoors, there is a limited amount of space for volunteers. We'd like to eventually progress toward small crews (5-7) alternating cooking months to include more St. Cross interested parishioners. Serving indoors may be a possibility in the future months.
St. Paul's UMC is located at 2600 Nelson St. Redondo Beach just two blocks from where Laundry Love takes place. You can follow Project Needs on Facebook and see our St. Cross crew hard at work. If interested in baking cookies or preparing a dessert for the meal or volunteering once a month for prep/cooking you can call/text Angela Oliver 912 398 1277 or Marilyn Young 310 748 9690.