Get Involved
St. Cross parishioners love to serve the greater community, to serve each other, to help with worship and to just hang out with each other. There are many ways to share your passion, to make a difference, to explore new ideas, to go deeper. If you have something to share you don’t see represented here, contact Cameron Johnson and find even more ways to get involved!
Children and Youth
The greatest gift that a congregation can give herself is a time for the community to gather in study, fellowship, and prayer; St. Cross has taken that beautiful gift and …
Serving the Church
In addition to our worship ministries, there are many other ways to serve the church.
Spiritual Care
The heart of any parish community is its prayer life. The clergy of St. Cross aim to support the prayer lives of our parishioners by offering solid Sunday worship experiences, …
Worship Ministries
Reading, being an acolyte, ushering — there are many ways to get involved in worship ministries at St. Cross!