Adult Ed

“Adult Ed” is a program at St. Cross for adults of all ages which provides opportunities to explore the Bible, to learn more about our Anglican tradition, and to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a Christian in the world today. Adult Ed takes place each Sunday from 9-10AM in the Guild Room from September through June of each program year. All are welcome and you don’t have to be a “regular” to participate. Each summer there is an annual planning meeting to which all are invited where suggestions can be made for the upcoming year.

The first Sunday of the month is the clergy offering which is also a good time to come and ask questions on topics of interest to the congregation. On the other weeks, a variety of topics were presented of theological, religious, spiritual and historical interest.

Adult Ed supports St. Cross’s mission of being a dynamic spiritual home where all are welcome by creating a sacred space of learning for all. Through our study together we become more aware of God’s presence as we face the challenges of being a Christian in an increasingly secular world. This makes Adult Ed a wonderful place to delve deeper into what means to belong to a Christian community. It is also a place where all opinions are respected and there is no “on-size-fits-all”. Both those who are new to St. Cross and those who have been there a while find something there for them.

As we learn and grow together we feel strengthened in our resolve to live more fully into our Baptismal Covenant of continuing in the Apostles teachings and fellowship. Programs like this can help us to know Christ better and what it means to follow Him. So come. There are no advanced reading requirements. Just bring a cup of coffee and drop by.