Come Home for Christmas - Welcoming All of Hermosa Home for the Holidays

Christmas Eve

Join us for the Family and Children’s Christmas Eve Service at 4pm OR the Christmas Eve Service and Carols at 9pm.

Christmas Day

Join us on Christmas morning at 10am for a traditional service of song and scripture in celebration of the birth of Jesus. Festive attire and pajamas welcome.

Messiah Concert

Join us as we usher in the holiday season with a free concert performance of Handel’s Messiah. The St. Cross Choir and Orchestra will perform festive selections from Handel’s masterwork Messiah. The concert is a benefit for the music ministries at St. Cross as well as many charities who do amazing work all year long throughout the South Bay Area.

Christmas Pageant

Join us as our children retell the story of the very first Christmas. With song and costumes, bells and lights, and a lot of heart and love. The Pageant has become a tradition handed down from generation to generation. Don’t miss this special Christmas Pageant on December 15th at 5pm.

Longest Night Service

Do the holidays find you feeling overwhelmed? burned out? lonely? grieving? Join us for this special contemplative service of darkness and light. The music and meditations create space for stillness and complex emotions that often get overlooked during the busyness of this holiday season. Join us on Wednesday December 11th at 7pm for a sacred service of mourning, remembrance, and hope.

December Volunteer Opportunities

Our outreach ministries remain active in serving the community throughout the cold winter months. You’re encouraged to join us in making the holidays a bit brighter for those in need.

  • Neighbor to Neighbor, Dec 17th. Preparing boxed dinners for people in need in Redondo Beach.
  • Laundry Love, Dec 18th. Providing funds and soap for those who come to wash their clothes. At a laundry mat in Redondo Beach.
  • St. Luke’s Shower Ministry, Dec 20th & 21st. Serving hot coffee and soup and distributing sack lunches in Long Beach to guests at the St. Luke Shower Ministry.

Advent Activities

Advent Book Table: Pick up a devotional book, or booklet of advent meditations and prepare for Christmas by meditating on the words. Sundays after service.

Carefully curated selection of works.