Youth News and Notes

VBS Snack and Supply Sign-Ups | June 27
We’d love your help making this year’s VBS special! A snack and supply donation sign-up will be in the Garth during Coffee Hour. Please take a look and see if there is anything you would be willing to donate to this year’s camp. Your help is greatly appreciated! Non-perishable food items can go in the Guild Room. Perishable food can be placed in the Kitchen. Other supplies can be placed in Room 2. See Rev. Stephen with any questions.

4th of July Parking Lot Fundraiser | July 3 & 4
The J2A youth class will be making up for lost fundraising opportunities due to the pandemic by doing a Parking Lot Fundraiser over the July 4th weekend. However, we’re short staff and could use your help! If you’ve done the parking lot fundraiser before and are willing to lend a few hours of your time helping the youth raise funds, please let Rev. Stephen know! ([email protected])