What Comes Next
St. Cross Sunday was simply glorious. Seeing people in person and not on a screen. The choir was back with their angelic voices and descants. The bishop preached up a storm, and everyone enjoyed a bite to eat. St. Cross at her best. Thank you to our Vestry for making the day happen.
This week adult education is starting. Sunday school is continuing to begin at 9:30 in person and Rev. Stephen has information for online attendance. Masks continue to be required regardless of vaccination status.
The Rev. Laurel Coote, who St. Cross sponsored for ordination is being installed as rector of St. Dunstan’s in Carmel Valley on Sept. 25. Rev. Rachel and Rev. Patti will be there to represent St. Cross. You may send Laurel a prayer, a note, a joke, whatever you like to wish her well as she leads this congregation.
Mike Welch’s funeral is this Saturday at 10am. Please bring a baseball cap. Yes, bring your baseball cap to church with you. There will be a reception following. As this will be our first indoor/outdoor reception we are asking all people who are indoors to remain masked unless they are seated and eating/drinking. Please do not stand and eat/drink indoors.
Joe Thompson’s funeral is scheduled for 11am on October 2. Please note the time is 11am to give people who did the Manhattan Home Town 5k a chance to clean up and make it to the service.
Walt Young’s funeral is Oct. 23 at 11am.
Audrie Wing’s funeral is Oct. 30 at 1pm.
A Separate Word on Budgeting for 2022
St. Cross has been strongly supported by you, the community. We are thankful for consistent giving. As we begin to plan for the 2022 fiscal year, we are asking that any ministries that think they will need funding for the 2022 year to please email Jim Sullivan [email protected] and Rev. Rachel [email protected] before October 15. We pray that our fall stewardship program will allow us to continue our ministry as we begin to grow in new ways in this (post?) pandemic time.