Welcome Back… can you hear me now?

This Sunday is our welcome back Sunday, our feast day (Feast of the Holy Cross), our bishop’s visit AND the start of Sunday school. Please read for more information, and about what we are trying to do so you can hear better. Don’t forget to wear red on Sunday.

Sunday school for children and youth starts this week at 9:30. Rev. Stephen has sent an email to parents. We are attempting to do hybrid for those who want to come in person and those who want to stay home. Should you want more information, please contact Rev. Stephen at [email protected]. Adult Education hour will be starting the following week (9/18) at 9 am.

Bishop John Taylor will be with us this Sunday at both services. Join us at 9 am in the garth for Becker’s cookies and coffee (that’s right, we will be serving COFFEE — please be patient as we won’t have tea or cocoa this Sunday but you can bring your own). Bring your questions for the bishop or just come and listen to what news he has to bring us about the good work the diocese is doing.

We had a glitch with the lunch order, but never fear, there will be food. If you ordered turkey/cranberry, you will be getting a club sandwich, and if you ordered Italian, you have a choice between two other chicken sandwiches. Thank you for your patience as we make this work.

Sound. Yes, we know it is a problem, and we are trying to solve it as best as we can given the parameters of COVID safety we have been given. We have tried different masks and will try a few more. We have tried inserts with limited success, but are going to try different ones in the coming weeks. Our sound system is actually the best it has been in ages as it was upgraded during COVID. We know we need to upgrade our listening headsets, and that is on our list. We also know we need better speakers in the choir area. We want you to be able to hear. We know it has been frustrating. We thank you for the feedback. We are trying. Please keep giving us feedback (Rev. Rachel is the person to email) and we ask for your patience.

Flowers! We are back to Sunday morning flower dedications. You make dedicate at this link. We recommend $75 for a dedication, but if you can give more or less, we understand. You may dedicate on the anniversary of a loved one, give thanks for a birth, baptism, marriage or some other joyful occasion. There is no limit to the dedication. Go to the link, give your amount and you will be asked to fill in some information for which Sunday you would like and who you are giving in memory of or thanksgiving of. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

We know some of you are continuing to follow us online. We are glad to have you here. Others are returning to church. We are glad to see you here. No matter how you attend, your participation in the life and discipleship of St. Cross is important to us. Please let us know if you have prayer requests or discipleship ideas you would like us to know about.
