

7pm Wednesday in the Guild Room at St. Cross

Our first meeting will be a general discussion of evangelism and a conversation about your experiences of evangelism. On 3/6 we will discuss Parts 1& 2 of the book “The Great De Churching.” We will discuss parts 3 & 4 on 3/20. (We sold out of books at the book table on Sunday but we will order more and have them available on Wednesday and Sunday.)

Contact Rev. Stephen or Rev. Josh with questions.

[email protected]

[email protected]

Dinner and Discussion

Wednesday at 6pm at St. Francis, PVE, please join us for dinner and discussion about the origins of the Episcopal Church and other mainline denominational churches, tracing our lineage from the 1979 BCP to Henry VIII to the Council at Nicea. RSVP by calling the church and ask for Claire: 310-375-4617