Vestry Candidate: Jack Tedford

I would like to serve on the St. Cross Vestry because: As partner of a law firm, and member of the board of local bar organizations, I am called upon to look out for the interests of clients, and help manage the financial, organizational, and strategic planning aspects of a private firm and a public non-profit organization. I would like to participate in a ministry that allows me to use my professional skills for the benefit of the church.

In my life’s work, I am/have been particularly good at these skills: Business management; Organization; Working in groups in both leadership and participatory roles; Attention to detail.

Other skills that I have which could be valuable on the Vestry: Deliberate decision making; Familiarity with financial statements and reports; Calm demeanor.

Special hobbies/interests which I enjoy: Family; USC football; Dodger baseball.

The area of ministry that interests me most is: People of Coffee (formerly known as Coffee guys) – 15 years and counting.