Upcoming Baby Shower and Annual Meeting

As you know from your bulletins and weekly emails this Sunday we are going to celebrate Holly and Rev. Stephen as they prepare to welcome their child into the world. Gifts are not expected (but you can read the announcement about the celebration if you want to know more) but we hope you will all bring a card to wish them well on their parenting journey.

And after a Sunday filled with cake and fun we will have ANOTHER Sunday filled with fun (aka business of the church) for our Annual Meeting. I know I have already talked about the importance of the annual meeting, and yet will take the opportunity once again to say that I hope to see you there after the 10 am service a week from Sunday. We will read the budget, hear about possible property redevelopment, have the opportunity to vote for Vestry and Endowment Committees. Grab a cup of coffee, a donut, pull up a chair and learn more about our church.


Rev. Rachel+