​Thank you from Rev. Rachel and Chad

We wanted to wait to say thank you until Rev. Rachel had preached this past Sunday (as she knew part of what she wanted to say in her sermon). We cannot express in words how deeply we feel gratitude for the St. Cross community. You have celebrated with us since our engagement a year ago. From the shower, to the wedding preparation, to the wedding itself, your support of us as we enter into marriage has been filled with pure joy and love. It has overflowed from every card written, every gift given (paper thank you notes in the new year), every act of service to help the day happen without a hitch. Thank you St. Cross. We were so proud to share all of you with our family and friends. Who, as Rev. Rachel said in her sermon, continue to remark on what a loving, caring community you are, and how much LOVE was in the room that day. Just thank you. Your love and support made it the wonderful, joy filled service that it was. We love you right back with all of our hearts.

Rev. Rachel and Chad