Sunday Mask Update

Los Angeles County has changed its indoor mask policy. While we don’t have information about how this applies to singing, we will be mask optional this coming Sunday. We ask that the back rows of the church, where every other row is blocked off, be reserved for those who choose to mask and continue to socially distance. Those who feel otherwise may sit in the front area of the church. There will be a coffee hour this week (though no kings cake, just Lenten donuts).

Sunday school will continue to mask this week and will not mask once the schools no longer require it.

All of this said, we have a briefing with LA County on Monday for houses of worship. If anything changes, we will let you know.

We know that no decision is going to be the right decision for all members of our parish. I thank you for those who have been patient as we take steps for the welfare of all of our members.

Yours in Christ,