Stop Passing the Plate

As our Stewardship Committee has been meeting over the past few months, we read a book A Better Offering, by Donald A. Smith. In this book, we were all struck by the idea of NOT passing the plates on Sunday. This book was not written as a response to COVID per se, but does address how churches might come out of this time with some new giving habits. The author talks about how many of us need to “give something up to make room for something new.” The theology behind it makes a lot of sense to us.
Every year at stewardship we talking about GIVING to God. Think of the widow who comes to the temple and gives her two coins. Jesus extols her giving. No one rushed up to her with a plate in the middle of worship. When we place the offering plates near the altar, you can make your offering to God as you come forward to receive communion. This makes giving directly relational to you and God. “Offerings to God are to be brought, not taken.” It also avoids the “usher shakedown” which can be uncomfortable for those who give online.
Of course there is the question about if our giving will go down. There are other ways to speak about giving in the service, including at announcements. We expect that all of St. Cross will continue to be joyful givers for the continuing of our ministry in the South Bay and beyond. As always, I welcome your feedback as we try something new-ish.
Rev. Rachel+ (and the Stewardship Committee)