St. Cross Day Survey

I know that it may seem early but the St. Cross Vestry and staff are already planning for St. Cross Day on September 12. We will have Bishop Taylor with us at both services. If you cannot attend in person, we will of course be online.

True to tradition we asking everyone to please wear red. Also true to St. Cross tradition we will have a meal. Given that COVID has made potlucks not an option, we are ordering sandwich boxes. Each box will have half of a sandwich, chips and a cookie. We will also have sandwich boxes for kids. Tables will be set up outside in the garth and under tents in the parking lot. However, we need your order if you are going to join us. PLEASE take this SHORT, SHORT survey so we can know how many are attending each service AND order your lunch. You must order lunch to receive lunch.

Here is the link St. Cross Day Survey

Enjoy the end of summer. We look forward to the start of our program year!
Rev. Rachel+

More Parish Announcements:

  • Audrie Wing Memorial Service will take place on Oct 30. Time to be announced at a later date.
  • Blessing of the backpacks coming September 5 — more info coming this week!
  • St. Francis Day: We WILL bless animals on October 3. Stay tuned for more info