Opportunities to Listen, Read and Talk

Listening Hearts Moves to Wednesdays: Listening Hearts will now meet on Wednesday Mornings at 10am. Starting on March 9th, the group will be discussing “Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I’ve Loved” by Kate Bowler. Anyone is welcome to join. Listening Hearts is a ministry of intentional listening to others’ sharing. If you need a place to come and be heard, join us Wednesdays at 10am. Contact Rev. Josh for meeting information. [email protected]

Joint Book Group with Navajoland Congregation: As part of our ongoing relationship building with the congregation of St Christopher’s Mission in the Diocese of Navajoland, Rev. Joe encouraged us to read “Ladder to the Light” by Bishop Steven Charleston. Rev. Joe invites us to join members of his congregation in a weekly online discussion group Thursday nights at 7pm. Starting 3/10. Contact Rev. Josh for meeting information. [email protected]

Wednesday Lenten Book Study: We will be reading “The Our Father: A New Reading” by Gerhard Lohfink. Join us in studying and reflecting on this short prayer that we pray during every service. Each Wednesday during Lent there will be two opportunities to join us online for group discussion about the book.

You can join us at 9am or 7pm on the following Wednesdays: 3/9, 3/16, 3/23, 3/30 and 4/6. Links are in the “Important Links” section of the weekly email.