November and December at St. Cross: Advent, Christmas, Hope and Support

I have lived by a hard and fast rule for 49 years of my life: No Christmas decorating or music until the Sunday after Thanksgiving. None. Not even a piece of holly. This was instilled in me by my parents and fit with my deep love of the Advent season. Well, until 2020 happened and I put up my Christmas lights, ok only some of them, on Wednesday. I figure I will add a little bit more day by day until they are all up. I will wait until after Thanksgiving to do the inside of my house. I just needed some joy as I am sad about the holidays not happening in the “normal” ways.

2020 has been a wild ride of a year. I would guess that many if not most of us are not following our former Thanksgiving traditions. My family is not gathering, and we have all challenged one another to try a new food on the table (I am taking suggestions, though old school green bean casserole is a contender, lol). And we have no idea what Christmas will look like. When people ask, I say we are on plan 14.F.32.c for our Christmas services… that is to say they have changed multiple times since we started talking about them at the start of October.

So here is our schedule for November and December. I hope it brings you some joy. I hope you have some expectation for the season even though it likely will be different from years past. Know that your clergy and church friends are here to support you through this season, whatever it may hold for you.


We know that life may change again, but for the moment, this is our hope.

  • Nov 15 – Dec 13th – Giving Tree (See Giving Tree updates in weekly email)
  • Nov 22–Christ the King Sunday with drive through Eucharist
  • Nov 24–Interfaith Thanksgiving Service (zoom)
  • New Advent Compline for the season of Advent nightly at 7 on the website and Facebook
  • Nov. 29–Families to pick up Advent bags from the church
  • Dec. 6–Drive through Eucharist.
  • Dec. 9–Longest Night service for those who have feelings of sadness during the holidays
  • Dec 20–Pageant premier at 5pm
  • Dec 24–4 pm Family Service
  • Dec. 24–6 pm Traditional Service
  • Dec. 24–7-8:30–Drive through Eucharist with choir distance singing we hope (stay tuned for more on this!)
  • Dec. 25–Carols and Christmas music for the organ (played throughout the day)
  • Dec. 27–10am Lessons and Carols (no Sunday School, Adult Ed or coffee hour)