How the Why Works

by Steve Pringle

In past blog entries members of the vestry have introduced the St Cross congregation to the notion of WHY and the WHY statement formulated by vestry: to be a community who serves others as a sign of God’s love.

WHY focuses on what we believe , what inspires us, and what motivates us to action. By contrast, what we do and how we do it is in the details. WHY gets us off the dime and over the hump and sustains us through setbacks over the long haul. WHY appeals to the limbic brain — that portion of the brain where feelings happen and important decisions are made.

The vestry arrived at its WHY statement by a process of discernment – singly at first and then as a group. We meditated on those forces that drive us as Christians and as members of the congregation of St Cross. The WHY statement addresses those themes that resonated most. We invite all to participate in a similar exercise as we set WHY-centric goals for our church in the years to come. What tickles your limbic brain?