​Holy Week (NOT) at St. Cross

Early Christian communities remembered all these gospel stories by going to the places where they took place. Their liturgies kept them on the move. They would read lessons and pray in the cemetery then go to the church then go to the garden and then to the civic plaza. This year we are living into that tradition in a small way by taking our faith and spirituality and cross crossing the South Bay to join with other Christian’s in the community to remember reflect and celebrate the gospel message. As you have heard us say, we are not holding all of the Holy Week services AT St. Cross. We are joining with Christ Church Redondo Beach, St. Andrews Torrance, and St. Francis Palos Verdes for our services. Different clergy will be leading and preaching different services. For the next two weeks in the weekly email we will be outlining WHAT and WHERE each service is as we move through the crucifixion to resurrection.

Why attend any or all of the Holy Week services? It may seem like a lot to get to services mid-week and to want to just have the joy of Easter. Walking with Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane, to Pontius Pilate, to Calvary and the cross is a part of our faith. As clergy are fond of saying, there is no resurrection without death. Experience the full emotion of our faith by attending the services as outlined below. If you cannot make all of them, do what you can. If you have never been to Holy Week services, pick one (or more) to attend, and see how it helps draw you deeper into the Easter message.

Stations of the Cross, Saturday Mar 23, 5pm St. Cross

Please join us to walk the path that Jesus walked to the cross. The stations and their reflections have been designed and written by parishioners at our parishes. After we walk the stations, you will have an opportunity to go back and meditate as you wish at any, or all of the stations.

Palm Sunday, 8am and 10 am St. Cross

We begin the journey with the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jersualem. We will start our service in the garth (courtyard) where we will bless palms, and then process, palms waving high in the air, into the church. The service starts on a high, and transitions to the gravity of the cross. The gospel reading tells the story of the Passion. There will be no sermon. We will end this service in silence as we enter into Holy Week.

Holy Wednesday TENEBRAE, Mar. 27, 7pm at St. Andrews, Torrance

Tenebrae is a service that reflects the daily office. The service starts with a hearse of candles (yes, that is what it is called). Psalms are read along with versicles (call and response) for each section. At the end of each set of psalms, a candle is extinguished. After the final candle goes dark there is silence, and then a loud noise, symbolizing the earthquake and a light is returned. In short it is symbolic of Holy Week, walking towards the cross and utter dispair, and ends with hope in the resurrection. St. Andrews and Christ Church have one of the best tenebrae services Rev. Rachel has ever attended! A moving way to move into the end of Holy Week.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, Mar. 28, Noon at Christ Church

This will be a service for the washing of the feet.

MAUNDY THURSDAY, Mar. 28, 7pm at St. Cross–foot washing, Eucharist, stripping of the altar, with prayer vigil to follow

Maundy Thursday, mandatum– mandate–do this in remembrance of me. At this service we commemorate the Last Supper at which Jesus washed the feet of his disciples and shared a passover meal. Foot Washing is not mandatory for anyone attending. This is an option for those who wish to participate, and there is music for those who wish to use the time to meditate. We will then celebrate Eucharist. Following, we “strip the altar” and the sanctuary of all extra adornment as we move toward the stark reality of Good Friday. Mo. Julie Beals from Christ Church/St. Andrews will be preaching.

To be continued next week with the remainder of the Holy Week services.