Holy Week and Easter Services

We are so excited to be gathering both in-person and online throughout Holy Week and on Easter Sunday!

Since it’s been a couple of years — and since we also have some new offerings — we thought it’d be a good idea to share a short description of each event.

Events marked with an asterisk will also be streamed live on Facebook and on our website at stcross.org/live.

Wednesday, April 13 at 7 PM: Stations of the Cross *
Walk with Jesus through the gospel story of his condemnation and death on the cross. Each station has a short reflection and art piece that tells the story of each step of Jesus’ journey to Calvary. Artwork and written reflections created by members of St. Cross will be featured.

Thursday, April 14 at 7 PM: Maundy Thursday *
On Maundy Thursday (mandate Thursday) we recall Jesus’ words “Do this in remembrance of me.” We will have washing of feet (optional), communion, and the stripping of the altar as we remove all adornment in the church in preparation for Good Friday.

From Thursday, April 14 at 8 PM through Friday, April 15 at 6 AM: Garden Vigil
From 8pm on Thursday to 6am on Friday morning, we observe Jesus’ words,’So, could you not stay awake with me one hour.’ Stay awake and pray… Members of our community will pray for one hour throughout the night. Entrance through the side door of the church off of the inside parking lot.

Friday, April 15 at Noon: Good Friday *
Starting at noon we commemorate Jesus’ death on a cross. There cannot be resurrection without first the finality of the crucifixion.

Friday, April 15 from 1 until 3 PM: Labyrinth Walk
After the Good Friday service, people are invited to walk the labyrinth in the Parish Hall between 1pm and 3pm.

Saturday, April 16 at 8 AM: Holy Saturday
A very brief service, reminding us that we are waiting, waiting in death, holding onto the hope for new life.

Sunday, April 17 at 8 and 10 AM: Easter Sunday *
Come and celebrate Jesus’ resurrection with festive music and St. Cross hospitality!

* Will also be streamed at stcross.org/live