Giving Tree 2020

We might not be able to see each other in person this Christmas season, but don’t fret – you can still spread some holiday cheer!!! St. Cross’ Giving Tree 2020 is almost here! It will be the Giving Tree program we’re all accustomed to, but with some modifications for our new reality.
Beginning Sunday, November 15th the Giving Tree elves will be set up (masked and socially distant) in Parker Hall from 11a – 2p. We encourage people to stop by and select a child to sponsor this holiday season. We’ll be stationed at church on the 22nd and 29th as well. If coming in person is not your thing, that’s okay too. We will be taking calls the same hours if you’d prefer to make your selection over the phone. Just call 310-200-6148 any Sunday 11am-2pm.
All gifts will be due back either Sunday, December 6th or 13th.
Again this year, our elves will be able to do the shopping for you if you’d prefer just to make a monetary donation. That too has been made easier. Just go to:
In the drop down button next to “Funds” make sure to select “Giving Tree”.
We look forward to another wonderful year for our Giving Tree families. Questions? Contact Courtney Shott at [email protected]