Best Practices for Living in Quicksand

REMINDER: This weekend is the Hermosa Beach Triathlon. Please allow extra time to get to church.

It was so wonderful to be back with you after my vacation. I’m ready for the fall and whatever it may bring. As we look to St Cross Day, the start of the program year, and a season of funerals, I realize our lives are still in flux. The Delta variant means we don’t know what we will and will not be able to do in weeks to come. The Vestry and I continue to make decisions based on the requirements and recommendations of the state, county and diocese. I know it is frustrating for many. I wish we were beyond the pandemic.

And here we are. As Rev Stephen and I were talking before he left for his vacation I said, “we are living in quicksand. Survivable, but it isn’t wise to build a mansion on quicksand. Much better to build broad programs that can be flexible. In quicksand you want to distribute the weight across as much space as possible.“ This is what we are trying to do. Safety and access for as many people as possible in as many ways as possible. This means programs may not be as complicated or as fancy as in the past, but they will always have the St. Cross quality.

Your grace, support and feedback is always appreciated as we continue to navigate our way through this time.

Rev Rachel+