40-Day Challenge, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, Small Groups

40-Day “Love Builds Up” Family Challenge: This take home resource is a great way for families to strengthen spiritual and emotional health during the Lenten season. “Loves Builds Up” invites families to come together at the beginning of the week for a reading from Scripture, a suggested discussion topic, and an action or practice for your family to take on for that week. Rev. Stephen has copies of “Love Builds Up” in the office so please let him know if your family would like one!
We love a parade! St. Cross will once again be participating in the Hermosa Beach St. Patrick’s Day parade on Saturday, March 14. We would love for you to join us! We need help decorating our entry in the St. Cross parking lot at 8:00 on Saturday morning and then we will move to our assigned parade spot on Valley Drive at 9:00. We particularly encourage families with children to engage with us and show our love of St. Cross by participating in this huge community event. For more information call or text Cameron Johnson (310) 415-0288 or e-mail her at [email protected].
Small Groups: St. Cross Small Groups will be kicking off the week of April 19. The small groups are intended to offer parishioners a chance to connect, join together in prayer, and engage in discussion around a variety of spiritual topics outside of the traditional church setting. We’ll be using the book Devotional Classics to help guide discussion and reflection. The cost of the book is around $13 and look for sign-ups in the Parish Hall throughout the month of March. We hope you can join a group! Please let Rev. Stephen or Rev. Nathan know if you have any questions.