Wednesday Nights in Lent

Lent Program Beginning March 13 – Wednesdays – 6 PM

St. Cross is doing something very different for Lent this year. The clergy of Temple Shalom and St. Cross have long wanted to do an evening program together. Lent seemed to be like the right time to try that. The first week of our Lenten program we will be talking about why we should have interfaith conversation. The following two weeks we will have people bringing Muslim and Hindu perspectives come and join us for conversation. The last two weeks we will have interfaith dialog with the rabbis from Temple Shalom and the clergy of St. Cross.

This means a few changes from our normal routine. We will be having prayer, but we will not be having Eucharist on Wednesday evenings. We will still have a soup supper that begins at 6 pm. We hope that you will join us. As Lent is a time for reflection and growth our hope is that by looking at our faith alongside others, we will see new aspect that we had not yet thought about or explored. We hope to see you there for all five sessions.