Volunteer for the Habitat for Humanity Fundraiser at St. Cross

Habitat for Humanity Parking Lot Staffing – Sign up at stcross.org/h4h – The church Habitat for Humanity team is looking for volunteers to help staff the parking lot over the Fourth of July weekend (Thursday, July 4th and Saturday, July 6th) to raise funds for future builds.

The job is fun and you will be working with other church volunteers. The shifts are approximately 3 1/2 hours long, no prior experience necessary. We’re looking for parking volunteers as well as shift leads. Leads will take down signage and barricades, organize volunteers and so forth.

Sign up at stcross.org/h4h and contact John Cheslick [email protected] with questions.

J2A Pilgrimage Continues: Please pray for the group on their journey in Scotland, which concludes on June 30: for Raquel, Rylei, Ellie, Cameron, Brett, Anne, Peter, and Rev. Robin.