The Most Important Part of Sunday…and we need your help
What is the most important part of Sunday is a discussion that any bunch of seminarians, or clergy, and laity for that matter could easily debate for hours: Worship? Reading the lessons? sharing Eucharist? Talking with friends? Taking time for those who need a listening ear? Welcoming people new and old? I will leave you to discuss this question at coffee hour this coming Sunday.
And, I want to address ONE of the most important parts of Sunday, Christian Formation, often called “Sunday School” for children, youth and adults. In the twenty years I have been at St. Cross we have had one clergy person on staff (or lay person) whose sole job was working with the Christian Education program. The job has become more difficult as the years go on, due in part to the volunteer management and the changing landscape of Sunday mornings for families. Long before Rev. Stephen announced he was leaving, the clergy and Christian Education leaders were already strategizing about how all of the clergy could share in this important ministry. Rev. Stephen’s departure allowed us this opportunity to begin to reconfigure, but it is going to move more quickly than if we had months of lead time.
The many jobs within Christian Education have been divided between me, Rev. Josh, Rev. Michelle, and ongoing support from Rev. Patti. We are covering adult Christian Education, parent groups, and all levels of children and youth ministry on Sunday morning, plus additional programs throughout the year, such as Faith at Five and VBS. Rev. Josh and I are working through all that needs to be accomplished to start the new school year. We will be asking for your help in the weeks to come.
We will need help supporting our teachers in the classrooms. We will need help preparing the classrooms for the new school year. We need your help to support parents and one another to show up, not only for Christian Education, but to our upcoming meetings for teachers and parents, and a Rector’s Forum on Christian Education in September.
We know that change isn’t easy. With that in mind, I offer you a favorite verse as translated in The Message by Eugene Peterson,Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life. Philippians 4:6-7
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