The Longest Night Service 12/9 at 7 PM

Content Block: Live Video

The Longest Night: Bulletin

The Longest Night Service: Wednesday, December 9 at 7 PM at

We honor the difficult moments of the holiday season with our Longest Night service in the Chapel, also called Blue Christmas. The whole holiday season brings up sadness for many, and COVID has provided an additional layer of stress this year. It’s not for nothing that Christmas comes in the midst of the longest nights, though; by honoring the arrival of Jesus the Light at the very darkest time of the year, we announce that God is at work in the dark, preparing us for something that will arrive and begin lightening our world. But for dawn to come, we need to embrace the longer and longer nights, and we do so by honoring the Longest Night each year.

Join us at 7 PM tonight (Wednesday, December 9) for this service on

Looking ahead in December:

  • This Sunday, December 13, is the deadline for flower dedications to be listed in the Christmas Eve Service. Go to to make a dedication.
  • The St. Cross Christmas Pageant will premiere on December 20 at 5 PM on — dress up as if you are in the pageant and watch at home! Take photos and share them with us — more details as the pageant approaches!
  • Christmas Eve: 4 PM Children’s Service | 6 PM Traditional Service | 7-8:30 PM Drive-Through Eucharist

The full schedule for December is available here on our website.