Sunday, Feb. 7: Drive-Through Eucharist – Lent At-Home Announcement from Rev. Stephen

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We will host Drive-Through Eucharist after the service this Sunday, February 7. Drive-Through Eucharist takes place in the church parking lot from 10:45 am – 12:30 pm.

Lent At-Home Bags: Feb. 14, 12 – 3 pm – From Rev. Stephen – Did you know pretzel making was once an old Lenten tradition? Neither did I! We’re putting together Lent At-Home Bags for each Sunday School family that will include yeast and pretzel making instructions, a family friendly Lenten devotional, and a number of other at-home resources that will help your family practice your faith during the Lenten season. The Sunday School teachers have also put together class specific take-home bags for the children in our younger classes (Godly Play and Next Door) that will be available to pick up that same day. Drive on through the St. Cross parking lot (south entrance) from 12 – 3 pm on Feb. 14 to grab these awesome resources. Give Rev. Stephen a shout if you have any questions.