Stepping into Holy Week

As we step into Holy Week this Sunday on Palm Sunday, we want to invite you to do this as intentionally as possible. I talked last week about setting up a sacred space in your home, or having a make-shift one you can use on Sundays. Heck you can just have a candle to light to make it sacred. For Palm Sunday (10 am at, as we won’t be handing out palms, we are going to ask you to take a cutting from your yard. If you have palms, great, and if not, use what you have on hand. I have even suggested that kids could make paper fans out of green paper to wave as palms. We will sing All Glory Laud and Honor so you can process around your room or in your seat. We will then ask you to place them on your door or in your window as a symbol of your faith for the week to come.
The second thing we are asking, is that since we are ALL HOME, is that we ALL participate in the Triduum (the holy three days): Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. We will have services that you can do on your own at home for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday OR you can join us live at 7 pm both nights on our Facebook page. We might have an offering for Good Friday noon stations of the cross, but that is not confirmed yet.
On Easter, while it may not seem the same without our glorious choir, organ, brass, packed pews and pretty clothes, it is still Easter for us. We are still an Easter people. So observe this year. We can. It allows us to deepen our faith, to begin to put context to our current world situation. Take the time. I invite you to walk with us through Holy Week.
Rev. Rachel+