St. Cross Survey: Why Statement

Coming out of the challenges of last year, the Vestry was privileged to kick off 2021 with a virtual retreat hosted by the Rev. Lorenzo Lebrija focused on discovering a WHY statement for St. Cross.

A WHY statement is a single sentence that encapsulates the underlying, animating force that drives an organization. Ideally everything our church does would come back to this statement! Crucially, the statement takes the form of discerning our contributions that impact the world in some way. So there’s a priority on taking action, and WHY statements should be backed up by real-life stories and examples.

Here is the WHY statement that the Vestry has drafted: To be a community who serves others as a sign of God’s love.

We need your feedback as we finalize this process, so please provide comments via this brief survey. Thank you!

– St. Cross Vestry