St. Cross Sunday!
It’s a big weekend here at St. Cross!
Today (Saturday the 12th) from 9 AM – Noon: Blessing of the Devices! This year’s Blessing of the Backpacks has a different feel to match the times. Come get those devices blessed — more info here!
Faith at 5: Saturday the 12th is Family Faith at 5, and on Sunday the 13th we have Faith at 5, both in the parking lot. All the info is here.
And finally, this Sunday is St. Cross Sunday! Our “welcome back” celebration may be a little different this year, but we have a fantastic Sunday service with Bishop Diane Bruce, special musical pieces and more! Wear red and come to Coffee Hour after the service!
Looking for bulletins? Find all of them here — Faith at 5 (Saturday and Sunday), Sunday’s morning service, Compline and our Device Blessing are all right here.
How to join the service? You can find the Sunday 10 AM service (starting with a prelude at 9:55) at and also on Facebook. Every night at 7 PM, you can find Compline (social time begins at 6:45 PM) on Facebook or at
If you need links to services, coffee hour or classes, send an email to [email protected] with Coffee in the subject line.
If you need a link to Sunday School, please email Rev. Stephen at [email protected].