Senior Warden Weekly Reflection

It has been a busy few weeks here at St. Cross!

Last week we turned the campus over to the youth for Vacation Bible School. About 40 kids attended the festivities, and we could not have done it without the dozens of youth leaders and other volunteers who provided snacks and supplies and/or helped out during the week. Thank you so much to Reverend Stephen and everyone else who made VBS a resounding success.

VBS week ended with beach mass on Sunday. The weather was wonderful and the service was a great opportunity to worship in and with our Hermosa Beach community. Our final beach service this summer (including baptisms) will be on August 13. Please join us and feel free to hang out afterward to enjoy the sun, sand and surf.

Finally, if you missed Rev. Patti’s sermon on Sunday, it’s worth hearing about her personal mission to live out the Parable of the Four Soils in her own tomato garden. But also the message that we should “strive for the things that bring peace and the things that build each other up.” Romans 14:19. We can do this by taking to heart the lessons from VBS: Follow Jesus; help others; work together; listen to God; and show grace and compassion. Endeavor to spread the seeds of love, grace and compassion; the yield is in God’s capable hands.


Jack Tedford

Senior Warden