“See You in September…”

OK, you’ll probably see me in church before then, but as this week marks the end of the Program Year, after Sunday you won’t see me in the choir stalls again…until September.
This time of year always feels bittersweet. While it will be nice to have my Thursday evenings free from rehearsal, with the combined summer service time, I don’t get to sleep in on Sundays anymore. And I do miss singing an anthem as part of the service. That extra special piece – that goes beyond just the hymns – as an offering to the congregation. And based on the comments we all receive, I think the congregation misses the choir in the summer as well.
But, never fear – there is a solution! As you know, last year our amazing Organist and Choirmaster, Sean O’Neal (who DOES miss choir rehearsal over the summer, btw), started a new tradition called the “Summer Choir.” For each Sunday in July, ANYONE in the parish is invited to come a bit early to church, meet in the choir room to learn a fairly simple piece, and sing it in the service that morning. It’s a great chance for anyone who would like to have the opportunity to sing – with no long term commitment. And it’s also nice for those of us in the choir who just can’t handle a full summer off without an extra bit of music in our lives.
So if you miss the choir in the summer – come and BE the choir! And then none of us will have to wait until September.
Lavinia Henley
Jr. Warden