Pet Blessing, Upcoming Evensong and Healing Service, Pray with St. Cross
St. Francis Pet Blessing Service This Sunday, October 6: Sit dog-side or cat-side with your leashed & well-behaved furry friends this Sunday for the annual St. Cross Pet Blessing!
Join in Prayer via Text: St. Cross is trying something new! To offer a way to stay more connected as a community, we are sending out a text once a week with a small prayer reminder. From your mobile phone, text the word Pray to (866) 718-8989 to join in! Check out the video in this message from Rev. Rachel.
Take the St. Cross Survey: Haven’t taken the survey yet? Survey-takers are entered to win a great selection of prizes! Go here to take the survey, and if you take it anonymously then send [email protected] a message letting Merrill know who you are so we can enter your name in the drawing.
Habitat for Humanity Build Day Oct. 19: There is an upcoming Habitat for Humanity build on Saturday, October 19th. We need builders, help with food and also your prayers. You can sign up in the Parish Hall in the next few weeks or sign up at this address:
Choral Evensong with Healing Prayer on Sunday, October 20 at 5 PM: The Chancel Choir of St. Cross Episcopal Church and the Hermosa Beach Chapter of the Order of St. Luke welcome all to St. Cross for a service of Evensong with hymns, Taizé, and healing prayer. This meditative, contemplative service offers respite for the soul, a calming spirit, and the opportunity to light votive candles.Free will offerings support St. Cross’s music ministry.Light refreshments will be served following the service.
Save the Date Reminder: You are invited to the wedding of the Rev. Nathan Biornstad and Erol Woo on December 28, here at St. Cross! More info as the date approaches.