12/13: Last Day to Drop Off Gifts for Giving Tree

Once again we are SO grateful for the generosity of St. Cross. We have been overwhelmed by the amount of support we have received. We’re happy to say that we’re in fantastic shape despite the craziness of 2020. So much so that we’ll be able to provide gifts to families in need that have come to our attention just in the last few days.

Please don’t forget that Sunday the 13th is the last day to drop off your gifts. The Giving Tree team will be stationed in Parker Hall from 11am-2pm. All gifts will be delivered to the deserving families the week of December 14th.

If you haven’t been able to donate and still would like to do so, please go to:


In the drop down button next to “Funds” make sure to select “Giving Tree”.

Questions? Contact Courtney Shott at [email protected] or call Jennifer Salem at 310-200-6148.