It May Be Summer But We Are Preparing For The Autumn
I pray daily for traveling mercies for those who are on summer vacations, some long awaited. I pray for the JG’s especially when I see them swarming on the beach in the morning, or at Martha’s after. Also I pray and listen for where we as a church are being led. Which brings us to Fall Planning for the program year. I want to highlight three of many programs coming your way.
St. Cross 101: On St. Cross Day we will have a box lunch again along with a “tour of St. Cross.” More on that to come, but mark your calendars for Sept. 11. We will also have the Ven. Jennifer McKenzie preaching. She has been working with the Vestry and clergy this past year. We look forward to having her in our pulpit.
Adult Formation (new snazzy name to come): Our lay leaders are INCREDIBLE teachers and leaders for adult formation, don’t get me wrong. And the clergy have asked for this year to be a year where we teach as there are a few areas we would like to focus on for Adult Formation. It will be at the 9 am hour, the same time as Sunday School and we hope to see you all there.
Sacred Ground: This is a program put out by the Episcopal Church to explore our roots in racism. Many of you have asked for some deeper work with racism and our theology. This would be that program. There will be a separate email sent in a few days that will go further into what Sacred Ground has to offer and if it is a discipleship learning opportunity you would like to join.
Be sure to read more next week about what we are planning. This fall is going to be rich with opportunity and we don’t want you to miss out.
See you Sunday at 9 am.