Holy Week and Easter Egg Hunt Signups!

Holy Week and Easter Signups Each day has something special in how you can participate.
Palm Sunday–drive through Eucharist where you will receive your palm, instructions on how to make a palm cross, and a kit for Holy Week at home.
Maundy Thursday–the service will begin online at 7pm.
Garden Vigil – Sign Up Here – We WILL be doing a stay at home Vigil this year from 8pm-6am. Jesus’ words to Peter in the garden the night before he was crucified,…could you not stay awake with me one hour? Stay awake and pray that you may not come into the time of trial… You will be able to sign up for one hour throughout the night — look for the signup form here. We will have a live feed of the altar at St. Cross. The feed will be available on Facebook and also on the website if you don’t have Facebook.
Good Friday–The online service will begin online at Noon.
Labyrinth Walk – Sign Up Here – We will have the labyrinth available from 9am-4pm on Good Friday in our inner parking lot. We are signing people up for 20 minute time slots to come, be present and pray. Look for the signup form here.
Easter Sunday service will begin online at 10am Easter Sunday.
On campus Easter Sunday:
Easter Egg Hunt – Sign Up Here – 9:00-10:30am. For Families with children, the Easter Egg Hunt is back! Put on your Easter outfit and join us at church on Easter morning for some festivities! We’ll have an egg hunt (one family at a time — be on the look out for signups) and a photo booth where you and your family can snap a photo in your Easter’s finest. Bring a flower from your garden to help flower the flowering cross. We will also be distributing Communion. Last but not least, we’ll collect donations for the Long Beach Shower program on Easter morning.
- Drive through communion with brass playing
- Bring a donation for St. Luke’s Long Beach shower ministry so we can share our abundance with those most in need (see list below)
- Wear your Easter best, your Easter worst, your Easter beachiest…this is YOUR year to wear whatever you want for Easter. Take a photo on our photo wall after you receive communion
- Bring a flower from your garden to add to the flowering Cross
Shower Ministry needs:
- Women’s sports bras–all sizes
- Men’s boxers–sizes M-XXXL
- Men’s belts–same sizes as above
- Men’s jeans/pants–same sizes as above
This Week at St. Cross
Service Bulletin: Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 21, 2021
Drive-Through Communion This Sunday, March 21
Return to Campus Survey – A survey with five short questions! Please take this survey today as we plan how best to welcome us back to in person services. Here is the link to go take it.
The Path Bible Study continues. We have books back in stock. You can pay online and pick up your book at the church. You don’t have to start from the beginning! You can start with us right where we are right now, reading Chapter 5 this week. Each chapter is 5-10 pages. Join us on Wednesdays or follow along with the video online at stcross.org/path/.
Did you know you can still make a dedication in memory or in thanksgiving for Easter flowers? Please go to this link to be sure your dedication is included in our bulletin. You are welcome to make a donation (and we hope you will) but all dedications are free this Easter.
– Rev. Rachel