Holy Week and Easter 2019

Holy Week is the time when we go to the heart of our faith. It is our time to stop and listen to the story that shapes our faith more than any other. We know our lives are busy but we hope you will join us, or your nearest church, for Holy Week services.

April 14, Palm Sunday: Services at 8 AM and 10 AM
April 17, Wednesday: Agape Meal at 6 PM
April 18, Maundy Thursday: Service at 7 PM, Garden Vigil Begins at 8 PM
April 19, Good Friday: Vigil Ends 6 AM, Service at 12 Noon, Labyrinth Walk beginning at 1 PM
April 20, Holy Saturday: Service at 8 AM

April 21, Easter Sunday
Sunrise Service with Brass, 6:30 AM
Easter Brunch, 8 – 9:45 AM
Choral Eucharist with Brass, 10 AM