Compline: Nightly at 7 PM on Facebook

Link to St. Cross Facebook PagePDF of the Order of Compline

Dear Members and Friends of St. Cross,

First please know that you are in our prayers each and every day as we adjust to life within our homes and not going out unless absolutely necessary. We know that time will be welcome for some and greatly challenging for others. Your clergy are here to connect with you, listen to you, and pray with you. You can email any of us and we will be in touch with you.

Second, this afternoon our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry went live to ask us to engage in “habits of grace” during this time of physical isolation, as such consistent habits can be helpful during uncertain times. This might include praying at the same time every day, finding a new prayer to pray every day, maybe calling a friend and praying with one another.

To that end, St. Cross is going to offer a communal “habit of grace” at 7 pm every night. Please join us online for Compline starting tonight on Facebook!! We will send out a bulletin for you, or you can follow along in your Book of Common Prayer on page 127. I would also recommend the Daily Devotions found on page 136 for you to use on your own or with your family.

Also during the week we will have some special online time. We are hoping for a family night of gathering around 6:30 via Zoom on Tuesdays with Rev. Stephen. He will be sending out that information to families shortly. Thursdays after Compline, Sean is going to join us for some organ music and maybe even a hymn sing or two just so your voices stay in tune while we are worshiping in isolation.

Sunday worship is likely going to change. This past week we were in the church with the organ. We kept the service simple and used the Liturgy of the Word which you all know from Sunday Eucharist worship. I knew you were all sitting for the service at home, so I stayed seated myself.

This coming week and in the weeks ahead it will likely be me joining you from home and we will be switching to Morning Prayer. I will send out an email later this week talking about Morning Prayer, its background, why it is the appropriate service to use at this time, and a little of the mechanics of how we will do it. We do NOT expect to be back in our church building until after Easter. But do not fear, we will celebrate our Easter when we are gathered together again (maybe even a potluck just for the heck of it). As always, you are welcome to give your feedback about the services to Rev. Rachel.

There will be a phone tree coming online in the next day or two. We are hoping you will all call one another once or twice a week to check in, see if anyone has needs or prayers that should be passed along to the clergy. You can also write a note, send an email, or even facetime with one another. We are the church, connected through prayer and faith, in spirit and truth as I said in my sermon this past week. We will remain church in the weeks ahead no matter the physical separation.

Yours in Christ,