Celebrating Rev. Robin on August 4th

Rev. Robin’s last Sunday with us will be on August 4th. We hope that you will all join us to say goodbye and thank her for her time with us. There will be a summer breakfast that day, plus we will also have cake and punch between the services. If you would like to give a donation, as is the St. Cross tradition for Associates, you are welcome to do so. We will also have cards out for you to write a note to Robin and let her know how she touched your life while here at St. Cross.
-Rev. Rachel+
August 1st Deadline for Special Pricing to Bishop’s Concert Featuring Debby Boone – Order Before August 1st for Special Pricing: Bishop John Harvey Taylor and Canon Kathy O’Connor are pleased to invite you, as a member of the diocesan community, to the second annual Bishop’s Concert, featuring Grammy Award-winning singer, actor and author Debby Boone, on Friday, October 11 at the Episcopal Residence, located at 3435 E. California Boulevard in Pasadena. Gates will be opened at 6 p.m. and refreshments will be served before the performance, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. Valet parking will be available. Tickets are $75, but yours will be $60 if you make your reservations before August 1. To reserve your tickets, visit https://www.edlaclergy.org/clergy-conf/bishops-concert. Proceeds will support diocesan ministries.