Celebrate Rev. Rachel, Celebrate Mardi Gras, Habitat Build

Celebrate Rev. Rachel Feb. 23rd: The Rev. Canon Melissa McCarthy, the diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, will preach that Sunday with receptions following each service. We look forward to celebrating Rev. Rachel on the 10th anniversary of her installation as rector, 15th year as a priest, and 50th year traveling around the sun!

Mardi Gras Party Feb. 25: it will be a very special Mardi Gras this year that you won’t want to miss! Party with gumbo, pancakes, beads and, of course, the Grand Parade led by our Mardi Gras King and Queen. The details: Mardi Gras Party: Tuesday, February 25 from 6 until 9 PM in Parker Hall; $15 for adults; children under 12, FREE. Tickets go on sale the first Sunday in February!

Habitat Build Day Feb. 22: The first of our two annual Habitat for Humanity build dates has been scheduled for Saturday, February 22. There are ways for every member of our St Cross community to be involved one way or another. We are looking for builder volunteers (16 years or older), food/snack support, financial support and, of course, your prayers. Signups will begin before and after services on Sunday, January 26 thru February 16 in Parker Hall. Thank you for your continued support.