Bible Study, Book Cart and Questions About Reopening

Come Join the Fun
I know we all say we “don’t know enough” to join a Bible study. But over 100 members of St. Cross took the plunge this last Wednesday, and they had fun! Lively discussions were had, questions were asked, not all opinions agreed, and it was GOOD! We cannot wait for the coming week’s lesson which is Chapter 2 of The Path. If you haven’t picked up your copy, we will email you when the books held up by the winter storm arrive. Zoom link is HERE and we are using the same link every week. Also, if you miss a session, we will have a video online for you to watch and then you can do the questions yourself or with a friend. Congratulations St. Cross on engaging scripture as a congregation.

The Book Cart is Back
Thank you to the secret elves who have organized the book cart and have made a list of what is available. When you drive through for Eucharist you can pick up a book to read. Attached here is a list so you know what is there, and we will do our best to keep it updated as we go along. If you take a book be sure to cross it off the list on the table. We will have a box for returned books so they can get added back on.

What Does Reopening Look Like?
As St. Cross is regulated by the diocese, we cannot resume indoor services until our county is in the red tier. However, we may keep services outdoors through the summer so that we can have larger numbers attend. In short, we do not have definitive answers at the time BUT the Vestry has put the reopening committee together again and we will be figuring our best plan for moving forward. Thank you for being patient and continuing to join us online. Be on the lookout for some online fun in the months to come. AND know that we want to be back inside, praying as one community as much as do you.