Back to School, Back to Church

Most of our children and youth have started back to school. St. Cross is also gearing up for the start of our program year. You have read in previous emails that we are doing something new with the 9-10 am education hour on Sunday. Adults will be led by Rev. Rachel and there will be some changes to the youth program. We will have our traditional blessing of the backpacks on Sunday, Sept. 4 at the 9am hour. Sunday school will return St. Cross Day, Sept. 11. We have one or two spots left for anyone who wants to join Sacred Ground, our study of racism and theology, which will meet every other week for eleven sessions. We are continuing our ministries of Laundry Love and the St. Luke’s shower ministry. We are also continuing to find ways to partner with St. Christopher’s in Navajoland.
There is a lot happening, and we hope something for everyone. If you have been on summer hiatus, we hope to see you soon.