Annual Meeting | Sunday, January 28th

As part of our church governance we have an annual meeting every year. At St. Cross we most frequently do this at the end of January once the books from the previous year are closed. This meeting is a time to both look at where we have been and to look at where we are going. In this email we have a few requests and also information for the meeting. I hope to see all of you Sunday, January 28 following the 10am service. Please know that we will have a special guest preacher that day who you will not want to miss, the Rt. Rev. Phyllis Spiegel, Bishop of Utah. BUT WAIT! There is more to our annual meeting this year. We decided on a theme “Angels and Devils” and are inviting all parishioners to bring either deviled eggs or an angel food cake as fun potluck snacks for our time together. So find your best recipes (or your favorite bakery, etc.) and let’s see what our parish who loves food can come up with around our theme.
2023 Annual Report click here.