Annual Meeting Sunday, Jan. 27

This Sunday is the St. Cross Annual Meeting! This past year has been so active in our community that there’s a good chance you’ll learn lots of new stuff this weekend. The meeting begins after the 10 AM service, and with coffee, donuts and more to fuel us, we will have the opportunity to share about all the wonderful things happening at St. Cross.
We will also be electing our new Vestry members! Click below to learn more about them:
We will also discuss the budget and learn more about the building updates. See you there!
Feb. 10 – Whole-Hearted Parenting Series: Rev. Rachel and Dr. Virginia Green are leading a series on “Whole-Hearted Parenting” for building resilience in children, youth, and families. It is based off of Brené Brown’s work. The sessions will be once a month through June, at 9am in room 4: Feb 10, March 10, April 7, May 5, and June 9.
Parking Lot Safety: This is a reminder that we have many children on our campus on Sunday mornings, as well as Mondays in the afternoon and evening, and during special events. Please show extreme caution while driving in the parking lot, and stop at all posted signs. We are adding a stop sign to the inner parking lot where the covered crosswalk is. We have also thinned the bushes for better visibility.